Sunday Lately: Week 2 - 2019

Today, as my blog turns 3 years old, I introduce a totally new thing on my blog that I intend to take part in this year. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe!  I've been a somewhat non-active member ever since I started blogging but now I thought it would be nice to participate in the weekly linkup. The purpose is to e-hangout every Sunday, sharing a small glimpse into the past week of life in our own worlds. A collection of all the posts can be found on Wild + Wanderful so check that out for more interesting reading.

Embarking. This year I am attending a sockbox challenge (Sukkalaatikko 2019), organized by Nonnu Neuloja. I had already made up my mind to knit one pair of wool socks every month so that I would have enough presents for Christmas or otherwise during the year and then this same kind of challenge came up - and boom, there I was, engaging myself into the project. Now I only need to find a beautiful box where to store all the wool socks I plan to knit during the year.

Enjoying. I finally got a room of my own for my sewing and knitting stash plus a desk where I've been able to place my sewing machine so I'm hoping to enjoy the benefits of having a room where I can leave everything on the table as it is until the next sewing session can start again.

Experimenting. I have got far too much yarn and fabrics, old clothes and curtains etc. that I am trying to reproduce to something wearable again. This includes experimenting with patterns and using imagination and I am also thinking of hosting a challenge on my blog to prompt the project. Hopefully I will be able to post about new and inspiring handmade clothes later on!

As some of my readers may remember, I used to write both in English and Finnish before but lately my blog has been updated only in Finnish (with a translate button on the side, though). This is now a new beginning to better serve my international followers, too. Some of my posts will be bilingual, some only in Finnish or in English but I try to take you all into account in the future somehow. I hope this will work out just fine and will not be too messy! Have a lovely Sunday!

6 kommenttia

  1. I am so excited to try to read your posts in Finnish! I learned only a small amount of the language as a child. I can barely make a sentence any more or understand church (church in Berkeley, CA does services in Finnish).

    I sew and so it will be fun to try and read about your sewing in finnish but also in English so I can understand. My brother and I would like to visit Finland some day

    1. Wow, what a coincidence! Now there's another reason to keep the blog bilingual. You should definitely visit Finland!

  2. Oh my. I'm so excited to see all of the beautiful knitted items you're about to produce this year!

  3. Hyvin pitkälle samoja ajatuksia tulevalle vuodelle on minullakin: samaan sukkahaasteeseen yritän osallistua, sillä pari per kuukausi tuntuu sopivalta tahdilta muiden käsitöiden ohessa. Sain myös isomman käsityöhuoneen, minne muutaminen vielä on hieman kesken, mutta kohta minullakin on paikka, minne kaikki voi jättää odottamaan seuraavaa kertaa. :)

    Jännittävää, mitä haastetta keksitkään. :) Kässäillyintoa! ♥

    1. Kuten todettu, great minds think alike. :) Kässäilyintoa sinnekin, ja seuraillaan toistemme edistymisiä! <3


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